Owner’s Manual
DQR-1000D/ DQR-1100D
P/N : 97P95600D0-U2
Be fo re y o u u se y o u r DVD re co rd e r
Be fo re y o u u se y o u r DVD re co rd e r
Be fo re y o u u se y o u r DVD re co rd e r
W h ich d iscs y o u ca n u se
The following discs can be used in your DVD recorder for playback and recording:
Wha t is a DVD?
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) is a new storage medium that combines the convenience of the compact disc with
the latest digital video technology. DVD video uses modern MPEG2 data compression technology that enables
an entire feature film to be stored on a single five inch disc.
Pla yba ck a nd recording
DVD+RW (Digital Versatile Disc + rewritable)
DVD+R (Digital Versatile Disc + recordable)
How good is the resolution of DVD com pa red w ith VHS?
Pla yba ck only:
The razor-sharp digital images have a resolution of more than 500 lines of 720 pixels per line. This is more than
twice as high as VHS and is even better than the laser disc. Its picture quality is easily comparable to the digital
masters produced in recording studios.
DVD Video (Digital Versatile Disc)
DVD-R (DVD-Recordable)
DVD-RW (DVD-Rewritable) : These discs can only be played back if the recording was made in video mode and
the recording was finalised.
Wha t ca n DVD+RW do?
DVD+ReWritable uses phase change media, the same technology on which rewritable CDs are based. A high-
performance laser is used to change the reflective properties of the recording layer; this process can be
repeated more than a thousand times.
Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio)
Super Audio CD (Only plays the CD layer of a hybrid SACD disc)
Video CD (format 1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
Wha t ca n the DVD+R do?
Super Video CD
DVD+R (write-once DVD). Unlike a DVD+RW disc, this disc can only be written to once. If it is not finalized after
a recording, further recordings can be added to it. Old recordings can be later deleted but they can no longer be
overwritten. The deleted recordings (titles) are marked 'deleted title '.
CD-R (CD recordable) Audio/ MP3 contents
CD-RW (CD rewritable) Audio/ MP3 contents
Before this disc can be played in a DVD player, it must be finalised in the DVD recorder. Once this process is
complete, no further recordings can be added.
Wha t ca n m y DVD recorder do?
Re g io n a l co d e
Your DVD recorder is a machine for recording and playing back digital video discs with "two-way" compatibility
with the universal DVD video standard. This means:
If the region number described on the DVD disc does not correspond to the
Region number of this player, the player will not play this disc.
existing DVD video discs can be played on the recorder.
recordings made on your DVD recorder can be played on other DVD video players and DVD ROM drives.
Co n te n ts
Co n te n ts
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Pro d u ct In fo rm a tio n
Re co rd in g
Fro n t p a n e l
Sa fe ty In stru ctio n s _____________________________1
Be fo re y o u u se y o u r DVD re co rd e r ____________2
Co n te n ts _______________________________________4
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls_______________________5
Ma n u a l re co rd in g ______________________________3 3
General information
@ #
^ & * ( )
Recording without automatic switch off
Interrupt recording (Pause)
Recording with automatic switch off (OTR)
Protecting the disc against accidental recording
Lining up recordings within a title (assemble cut)
Selecting the recording mode (quality)
Automatic recording from a satellite receiver
In sta lla tio n
Co n n e ctin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r to th e TV se t ___1 2
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l d e vice s _________________1 4
123 4
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts____________________4 0
General information / Editing recording titles (name)
Playing back titles / Erasing a recording/title
Disc settings / Edit Menu
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r __________________1 6
Initial installation / Using a satellite receiver
Automatic TV channel search (Autoinstall)
Manual TV search
To switch off or on, interrupt a function, interrupt
a programmed recording (TIMER)
Select next chapter (track) /search forwards
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)_____________4 7
General information
DV i Link / DV sock et (digita l video input, IEEE 1 3 9 4 ,
Sorting and clearing TV channels manually
Setting the time and date
DQ R-1 1 0 0 D O n ly
PR –
Programming a recording (with the ShowView System)
Lower programme number
PR +
Connecting a digital camcorder or other suitable
device (programme number 'CAM2')
Programming a recording (without the ShowView
S Video sock et
Higher programme number
How to check, change or delete a programmed
Pla y b a ck
Connection of SVHS/Hi8 camcorders or SVHS/Hi8
video recorders (programme number 'CAM1')
Switching between sockets S-VIDEO and VIDEO is
done automatically. In case both sockets are used, the
signal received at socket S-VIDEO is treated with
recording NexTView Link
This button lets you switch between the internal
tuner and the playback of the DVD
In fo rm a tio n o n th e TV scre e n __________________2 2
Pla y b a ck ______________________________________2 4
Inserting a disc / Playing a DVD video disc
Playing a DVD+RW/+R disc
Opera tion Displa y Window
Displays the operation of the device, for more
information, see the next page
Video input sock et
Playing an audio CD / Playing an MP3 CD
Playing a (Super) Video CD
Se tu p
Connection of camcorders or video recorders
(programme number 'CAM1')
Open/close disc tray
Use r p re fe re n ce s _______________________________5 1
Picture settings / Sound settings
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s __________________2 9
Changing to another title/chapter
Searching a disc / Still picture / Slow motion
Search by time / Repeat/Shuffle play
Scan feature
Audio input sock et left/ right
Connection of camcorders or video recorders
(programme number 'CAM1')
Interrupt playback/recording
Language settings / Additional settings
Acce ss co n tro l _________________________________5 5
Parental level control (DVD video only)
Changing the PIN code
Disc tra y
Select previous chapter (track) /search backwards
Record the current TV channel
Zoom feature / Camera angle
Play back recorded disc, interrupt playback, still
Changing the audio language / Subtitles
Misce lla n e o u s
Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r ___________________5 8
Te ch n ica l d a ta _________________________________6 3
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
O p e ra tio n Disp la y W in d o w
Re a r p a n e l
REC a nd TIMER REC displa y
To be Timer-recorded
TIMER Recording /OTR (One Touch Recording)
Displays the title number selected/played (DVD)
Ma ins sock et
^ Digita l a udio output
Connection to the mains supply
Aeria l input
Connection of a digital audio device (amplifier/
Displays the chapter selected/played
Tim e, Counter a nd Current Opera tion
Tray is opened
Aeria l output
Connection of the aerial
Sca rt sock et 2
Tray is closed
Connection of the TV set
Sca rt sock et 1
Disc is loaded
There is no disc in tray
Menu screen is displayed
Power is ON
Connection of an additional device (satellite
receiver, set-top box, video recorder, camcorder,
Disc has some error
Setup menu is displayed
Power is OFF
Connection of a TV set. RGB-output
Ana logue a udio output
Video output
Connection of a TV set with audio input sockets
or connection of an additional device
Connection for a TV set with a video input (CVBS,
Composite Video)
Dolby Digita l Indica tor
dts Disc Indica tor
S Video output
Connection for an S-Video compatible TV set
MP3 Disc Indica tor
Disc Type Indica tor
Currently loaded disc type (SVCD, VCD, DVD, CD etc.) is displayed.
Disc Opera tion
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Re m o te Co n tro l
[DVD] Next/Previous programme number
[TV] TV Mute
[DVD] Select previous title/search backwards :
[TV, DVD] To switch set on or off, interrupt menu function,
interrupt a programmed recording (TIMER)
• Briefly press the button during playback: Previous
chapter/film or previous title
[TV] TV mode select
• Hold down the button: Search backwards
[DVD] Playback/pause : Play back a disc.
[DVD] Switches the scart socket EURO AV2 directly to the TV set.
This lets you watch the picture from any unit connected to
this scart socket (set-top box, video recorder or satellite
receiver) and at the same time record from another source.
• If this button is pressed during playback, the DVD recorder
switches to pause. You will see a still picture.
• If this button is pressed during recording, the DVD recorder
will also switch to pause.
[DVD] DVD mode select
[DVD] Select next title/search forwards :
• Briefly press the button during playback: Next chapter/film or
next title
[TV, DVD] Number buttons
• Hold down the button: Search forwards
[DVD] Record the current TV channel
[TV] Select the TV AV
[DVD] Stop playback / recording, except with programmed
recordings (TIMER). Hold down the button to open and
close the disc tray.
[DVD] This button lets you switch between the (internal) TV tuner
in the DVD recorder (TV picture on the TV set) and playback
on the DVD recorder
[DVD] To store or confirm entry
[DVD] To select the maximum possible record time
[DVD] Slow reverse/forward playback
[DVD] To show the DVD menu or the index screen
[DVD] To change angle, when the disc supports multi-angle
[DVD] Call up/cancel the main menu (menu bar at the top of the
[DVD] To magnify(zoom) a specific part of screen.
[DVD] Subtitle language select
[DVD] Cursor keys : Left, right, up, down
[TV] Increase/Reduce TV volume (only for supported TV)
[DVD] Audio language select
[DVD] To program recordings with the ShowView system /
without the ShowView system or to alter/clear
programmed recordings
[DVD] Title/Chapter : Choose the 'T'(Title)/'C'(Chapter) directly
from the menu bar
[DVD] Choose between repeat, shuffle play and intro-scan. And
repeat consists of title repeat/chapter repeat/ repeat A-B
[DVD] For displaying the edit menu for DVD+(RW) discs, for
setting chapter markers
[DVD] Select function/value
[DVD] Return to previous menu on a video CD (VCD). This function
works also on some DVD's.
[DVD] To delete last entry or clear programmed recording (TIMER)
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Id e n tifica tio n o f Co n tro ls
Pro g ra m m e th e Re m o te fo r a TV
In stru ctio n s in u sin g re m o te co n tro l
Operate remote control within 7m from the unit.
Turn on the TV.
Do not press 2 (two) buttons at the same time.
Point the DVR's remote at the TV.
Do not allow bright light to fall directly on the sending part of remote control.
Do not keep in a place with too much dust or humidity.
Holding the TV button down, press the two numbers listed below that is relevant to your brand of TV.
After releasing the buttons, check that the remote is programmed to operate your TV.
If the above does not work, repeat steps 2 - 4 using one of the alternative 2 digit codes.
N O Ma k e r (Bra n d ) N a m e
Co d e N u m b e r (2 d ig it) List
02 07 30 67
27 28
23 50 56
34 37
N O Ma k e r (Bra n d ) N a m e
39 NEC
48 PYE
51 REX
Co d e N u m b e r (2 d ig it) List
26 64 76
Ba tte r y In sta lla tio n
Remove the battery compartment cover.
30 32 40 78 80
02 23 47 50 56
02 37 40
03 33 40 43
02 20 34 37 82
02 20 37 82
23 40 72
02 37 74
34 37
02 20 34 37 82
23 40 47 50 56 82
40 80
02 06 08 37 38 48 54
06 62
Insert two “AAA“ dry batteries. Make sure that the batteries are inserted with their positive “+“ and
negative “–“ poles positioned correctly.
Close the cover.
10 CGE
02 22 65
34 37
25 27 40
23 42 47 50 56 57 58
02 63 77 82
Acce sso rie s
57 SBR
02 40 64
02 07 20 34 37 82
34 40 78
24 62
27 28
23 82
Remote Control
2 Batteries
RF cable
Scart Cable
Owner’s Manual/
30 ITT
31 JVC
02 37 68
34 37
27 28 63 64
44 37 52
04 07 45 46 53
02 22
02 34
02 82
34 37 82
60 62 83
02 23 50
02 23 47 50 55 56
02 23 47 50 56
35 62 63 64
To purchase these accessories ( with the exception of this owner’s manual ) and other non supplied parts,
please contact your nearest dealer or service centre.
27 37 46 82
02 34 62 75
02 22
1 0
1 1
Co n n e ctin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r to th e TV se t
Co n n e ctin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r to th e TV se t
Co n n e ctin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r to th e TV se t
The necessary cable connections must be made before you can record or playback TV programmes using your
DVD recorder. Connect the DVD recorder directly to your TV set. If there is a video recorder in between, the
picture quality may be poor because of the copy protection system built into the DVD recorder. We recommend
that you use a scart cable to connect your TV set and DVD recorder.
When you install your DVD recorder for the first time, select one of the following options:
O p tio n 1 : Co n n e ctin g w ith a sca r t ca b le
Switch off your TV set. Remove the aerial cable plug from your TV set. Insert it into the ANT.IN socket at the
back of the DVD recorder.
Insert one end of the supplied aerial cable into the ANT.OUT socket at the back of the DVD recorder and the
other end into the aerial input socket at the back of the TV set.
Plug a scart cable into the scart socket EURO AV1 at the back of the DVD recorder and the corresponding
scart socket at the back of the TV set .
Switch on the TV set. Insert one end of the supplied mains cable into the mains socket at the back of the
DVD recorder and the other end into the wall socket.
O p tio n 3 : Co n n e ctin g w ith vid e o (CVBS) ca b le
Remove the aerial cable plug from your TV set. Insert it into the ANT.IN socket at the back of the DVD
Insert one end of the supplied aerial cable into the ANT.OUT socket at the back of the DVD recorder and the
other end into the aerial input socket at the back of the TV set.
Insert one end of the supplied video (CVBS) cable into the yellow Phono socket VIDEO (CVBS) at the back of
the DVD recorder and the other end into the video input socket (usually yellow) on the TV set.
Insert one end of the supplied audio (Phono) cable into the white/red Phono socket AUDIO L/R at the back of
the DVD recorder and the other end into the audio input socket (usually white/red) on the TV set.
Switch on the TV set. Insert one end of the supplied mains cable into the mains socket MAINS at the back
of the DVD recorder and the other end into the wall socket.
3 , 4
O p tio n 2 : Co n n e ctin g w ith a n S-Vid e o (Y/ C) ca b le
Remove the aerial cable plug from your TV set. Insert it into the ANT.IN socket at the back of the DVD
Insert one end of the supplied aerial cable into the ANT.OUT socket at the back of the DVD recorder and the
other end into the aerial input socket at the back of the TV set.
Insert one end of a S-Video (SVHS) cable into the S-VIDEO OUT (Y/C) socket at the back of the DVD recorder
and the other end into the S-Video (SVHS) input socket on the TV set.
Insert one end of the supplied audio (Phono) cable into the white/red Phono socket AUDIO L/R at the back of
the DVD recorder and the other end into the audio input socket (usually white/red) on the TV set.
Switch on the TV set. Insert one end of the supplied mains cable into the mains socket MAINS at the back
of the DVD recorder and the other end into the wall socket.
1 2
1 3
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l d e vice s
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l d e vice s
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l d e vice s
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l d e vice s to th e se co n d sca r t so ck e t
Co n n e ctin g a u d io d e vice s to th e a n a lo g u e a u d io so ck e ts
You can connect additional devices such as decoders, satellite receivers,
Two analogue audio sockets AUDIO L/R (audio signal output left/right) are
camcorders, etc. to the EURO AV2 socket. When playback is started on this
additional device the DVD recorder automatically connects the EURO AV2
scart socket with the EURO AV1 scart socket. You will then see the picture
from the additional device on your TV set, even if the DVD recorder is
switched off.
located at the back of the DVD recorder.
These can be used to connect the following:
a receiver with Dolby Surround Pro Logic
a receiver with two channel analogue stereo
The TV/DVD button on the remote control allows you to switch between
playback through the EURO AV2 scart socket and playback from the DVD
Co n n e ctin g a u d io d e vice s to th e d ig ita l a u d io so ck e t
At the back of the DVD recorder there is a digital audio output socket
Co n n e ctin g a d d itio n a l vid e o re co rd e rs
You can connect a video recorder to the EURO AV2 socket.
DIGITAL AUDIO OUT for a coaxial cable.
This can be used to connect the following:
an A/V receiver or an A/V amplifier with a digital multi channel sound
If you have an SVHS video recorder, you can additionally use the S-VIDEO OUT
(Y/C) socket and the AUDIO L/R sockets.
a receiver with two channel digital stereo (PCM:Pulse Code Modulation)
DQ R-1 1 0 0 D O n ly
Co n n e ct ca m co rd e r to th e fro n t so ck e ts
To copy camcorder recordings, you can use the front sockets. These sockets
are located behind the flap on the left hand side.
Best Picture Qua lity
If you have a DV or Digital 8 camcorder, connect the DV input of the DVD
recorder to the appropriate DV output on the camcorder.
Very good Picture Qua lity
If you have a Hi8 or S-VHS(C) camcorder, connect the S-VIDEO input of the
DVD recorder to the appropriate S-VHS output on the camcorder.
You must also connect the audio input AUDIO L/R on the DVD recorder to
the audio output on the camcorder.
Good Picture Qua lity
If you have a camcorder that only has a single video output (Composite
Video, CVBS), connect the VIDEO input on the DVD recorder to the
appropriate output on the camcorder.
You must also connect the audio input AUDIO L/R on the DVD recorder to
the audio output on the camcorder.
1 4
1 5
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
In itia l in sta lla tio n
After successfully connecting your DVD recorder to the TV set and other additional devices, this chapter will
show you how to start the initial installation.
O n scre e n m e n u ?
The multi-language on-screen menu takes the mystery out of using your new
DVD recorder. All settings and/or functions are displayed on your TV screen in
the relevant language.
The DVD recorder automatically seeks out and stores all available TV channels.
Virgin mode
Select the desired language for the on-screen menu by pressing […] or
Au d io la n g u a g e ?
Menu language
The DVD will play the sound in the language you select, provided this language
is available on the disc. If it is not available on the disc the first language on
the DVD will be used instead. The DVD Video Disc menu, if available, will also
be displayed in the language you select.
Confirm with [OK].
Press OK to continue
Su b title la n g u a g e ?
Virgin mode
Select the desired audio language using […] or [†].
Audio language
The subtitles will be displayed in the language you select, provided this
language is available on the disc. If it is not available on the disc the first
language on the DVD will be used instead.
Confirm with [OK].
Press OK to continue
TV Sh a p e ?
'4:3 letterbox' for wide-screen (cinema format) with black borders at the top and
bottom of the screen.
'4:3 panscan' for a full-height picture with cropped edges.
'16:9' for a wide-screen TV set (screen edge ratio 16:9)
Virgin mode
Select the desired language for the subtitles by pressing […] or [†] .
Subtitle language
Confirm with [OK].
W h y d o I h a ve to se t th e co u n try ?
To call up the specific settings for the respective country, you must first install
the country.
Press OK to continue
Virgin mode
Select the desired screen format position using […] or [†]. These
settings will only be used if you insert a DVD that contains this
TV shape
4:3 letterbox
Th e DVD re co rd e r ca n n o t fin d a n y TV sta tio n s.
4:3 panscan
Select channel 1 on the TV set. Can you see the stored TV channel on the
TV set? If not, check the cable connection from the aerial (aerial socket) to
the DVD recorder and to the TV set.
Confirm with [OK].
Press OK to continue
The DVD recorder searches the entire frequency range in order to find and
store the largest possible number of TV channels. It is possible that the TV
channels in your country are broadcast in a higher frequency range. As
soon as this range is reached during the search, the DVD recorder will find
the TV channels.
Virgin mode
Select your country with […] or [†]. If your country does not appear,
select 'others’.
1 0 Confirm with [OK].
Press OK to continue
If no aerial is connected, complete the basic settings and then, if desired,
start the automatic channel search (see section 'Automatic TV channel
search (Autom. search)').
1 1 After you connect the aerial (or cable TV, satellite receiver, etc.) to the
If you have connected
the aerial •
DVD recorder, press [OK].
press OK
To continue
Press OK
Usin g a sa te llite re ce ive r
1 2 'Autoinstall' starts. Wait until all available TV channels have been
Autom. search
TV channels from a satellite receiver (connected to scart socket EURO AV2 ) are received on the DVD recorder
on programme number 'EXT2'.
found. This can take several minutes.
Searching for TV channels
02 Channels found
If necessary, use the [OUTPUT] button to switch to the internal tuner.
Please wait
Then select programme number 'EXT1’ with [0] on the remote control and programme number 'EXT2' with [PR–].
You should select the TV channels to be received by the satellite receiver directly on the receiver itself.
Autom. search
Autom.search complete
04 Channels found
1 3 After “Autom. search” is complete, set the Time, Year, Month and Date.
1 4 Confirm with [OK]. Then the set will reboot automatically.
◆ Time
To continue
Press OK
1 6
1 7
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
Au to m a tic TV ch a n n e l se a rch (Au to in sta ll)
Ma n u a l TV ch a n n e l se a rch
During installation, all available TV channels are searched for and stored. If the channel assignments of your
cable or satellite TV provider change or if you are reinstalling the DVD recorder, e.g. after moving house, you
can start this procedure again. This will replace the stored TV channels with the new ones.
In some cases, not all of the available TV channels may have been found and stored during initial installation. In
this case, you will need to search for and store the missing or coded TV channels manually.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select '
' using […] or [†].
Select '
' using […] or [†].
Select 'Installation' using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Select 'Manual search' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
In 'channel/freq.', select the desired display using [√].
Select 'Installation' using [√] and confirm with [†].
Autom. search
Select 'Autom. search' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
◆√Autom. search
◆√Manual search
Manual search
Sort TV channels
Sort TV channels
'Autom. search' starts. Wait until all TV channels have been found. This
can take several minutes.
In 'Entry/search', enter the frequency or channel of the TV station using
the number buttons [0..9].
To exit press
To exit press
When Autoinstall is completed, 'Autoinstall complete' will appear on
the TV screen.
Manual search
Using [œ] or [√] in 'Program number ', select the programme number
you want to use for the TV channel, e.g. “01''.
Date and time have been set and saved.
Programme number 01
TV channel name
1 0 Press [OK] to store the TV channel.
1 0 To end, press [SYSTEM MENU] .
1 1 To search for other TV channels, begin again at step 8.
1 2 To end, press [SYSTEM MENU].
Fo llo w TV
Fine tuning
When the TV set supports Easylink then the DVD recorder tries to get the
channel informations which are stored in th TV set.
To exit press
1 8
1 9
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
In sta llin g y o u r DVD re co rd e r
So r tin g a n d cle a rin g TV ch a n n e ls m a n u a lly
Se ttin g th e tim e a n d d a te
If the display shows an incorrect time or '-:--', the time and date must be reset manually.
After you have performed the automatic channel search you may not agree with the sequence in which the
individual TV channels have been allocated to the programme positions (programme numbers). You can use this
function to rearrange the TV channels already stored or to delete TV channels you don't want or those with poor
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Autom. search
Manual search
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Sort TV channels
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
To exit press
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Select '
' using […] or [†].
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select 'Installation' using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Select '
' using […] or [†].
Select 'Time/Date' using […] or [†] and confirm with [†].
Select 'Installation' using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Check if the time in 'Time' is correct. If required, change the time with
the number buttons [0..9] on your remote control.
Select 'Sort TV channels' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
To store
Press OK
Autom. search
Check 'Year', 'Month' and 'Date' in the same way. To move between the
fields, use […] or [†] .
Select the TV channel that you want to delete or whose order you want
to change using […] or [†].
Manual search
◆√Sort TV channels
Check the displayed settings and confirm with [OK].
Confirm with [√].
To exit press
1 0 To end, press [SYSTEM MENU].
Using […] or [†] , shift the TV channel to the desired position and press
the [œ] button. The DVD recorder will insert the TV channel.
Sort TV channels
1 0 Repeat steps 6 to 8 until you have resorted/deleted all desired TV
1 1 To save, press [OK].
To sort
Press >
To exit press
1 2 To end, press [SYSTEM MENU].
De le tin g TV ch a n n e ls
Unwanted channels or those with poor reception can be deleted using [CLEAR]
button . After that you can continue at step 6 .
2 0
2 1
In fo rm a tio n o n th e TV scre e n
In fo rm a tio n o n th e TV scre e n
In fo rm a tio n o n th e TV scre e n
Ico n s in th e m e n u b a r
Sta tu s b o x
You can check and change many of the features and settings on your DVD recorder using the system menu. The
menu bar cannot be displayed during recording.
The status box displays the current operating mode (status) of the DVD recorder and the current disc type. This
display can be switched off.
Use the [SYSTEM MENU] button to call up and close the menu bar (main menu). You can select the appropriate
feature using […] and [†]. You confirm a feature using [√]. This takes you to a submenu or executes the
feature immediately. Depending on the current disc, some features may not be available.
Opera ting m ode icons
....... No disc
....... Play
Record Settings
....... Closing tray
....... Disc in
....... Record
....... Record pause
....... Search backwards (8x speed)
....... Backward Slow motion
....... Forward Slow motion
....... Stop
....... Search forwards (8x speed)
....... Loading
User preferences
....... Opening
Audio language
Subtitle language
Camera angle
....... Opened
....... Pause play
Tu n e r in fo b o x
This box appears in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. The aerial signal, the TV channel and name of the
TV channel are shown.
Search by time
...... Current channel/selected input socket
....... No signal : TV channel is not available/additional device is not connected
or is switched off
....... Copy protected signal
Tim e r in fo rm a tio n b o x
This box appears above the tuner information box. When a timer recording is set, it shows the timer icon and the
start time or date of the first programme to be recorded. If no timer recording is scheduled, the current time is
displayed. This box disappears during playback of a disc or after a recording starts.
....... Current time : No timer event programmed
....... Timer starts on the day shown
....... OTR recording runs until the stop time displayed
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2 3
Pla y b a ck
Pla y b a ck
Pla y b a ck
In se r tin g a d isc
Pla y in g a DVD vid e o d isc
Press the [OPEN/CLOSE] button on the front of the DVD recorder. The
disc tray opens.
A menu may appear during playback of a DVD. In case titles and
chapters are numbered, press a number button on the remote control.
You can also select a menu item using [œ √ … †] and confirm with
Insert the disc carefully into the tray, with the label uppermost and
press [PLAY/PAUSE] or [OPEN/CLOSE] on the front. The information on
the disc is read.
If playback does not start automatically, press [PLAY/PAUSE]. The
display shows: title, chapter, time elapsed.
Playback begins automatically.
To stop the disc, press [STOP].
Pla y a b le d iscs
This DVD recorder will play the following systems:
To eject the disc, press [OPEN/CLOSE] on the front of the DVD recorder.
DVD video
(Super)Video-CD disc
DVD+R Disc
DVD+RW disc
DVD-RW (video mode, finalised)
Th e m e n u o n th e scre e n is sh o w in g a n 'X'
Some DVD discs can be manufactured so that certain steps are required before
the disc can be played, or so that only limited operation is possible during
playback. When an 'X' appears on the screen the selected feature is not
Audio CD
You can operate the DVD recorder using the remote control or the buttons on
the front of the DVD recorder.
Th e scre e n is sh o w in g re g io n a l co d e in fo rm a tio n
Since DVD films are not normally released in all parts of the world at the
same time, all DVD players have a specific regional code. Discs can be
given a regional code. If the regional codes differ between the player and
the disc, playback is not possible.
Ho w to in se rt a d o u b le sid e d DVD
Double-sided discs are not printed on either side. The labelling is in the centre
on each side of the disc. The labelling of the side you wish to play must be
The regional code is shown on the label on the back of the machine.
The regional code does not apply to recordable DVD discs.
O p e n in g / clo sin g th e tra y u sin g th e re m o te co n tro l
You can open and close the disc tray using the remote control. Press and hold
the [STOP] button on the remote control until the dialog box shows 'OPENING'
Th e scre e n is p ro m p tin g m e to ch o o se a n o p tio n fro m th e m e n u .
Select the option you want using [œ √ … †] or the number keys [0..9].
In some cases you need to confirm with [OK].
You can also access the menu using [DISC MENU] on the remote control.
Ho w to a cce ss h id d e n in fo rm a tio n
Press the [DISC MENU] button on the remote control. A menu will appear
on the screen. For some feature films this may appear after an introductory
Select the option you want using [œ √ … †] or the number keys [0..9].
Confirm with [OK].
2 4
2 5
Pla y b a ck
Pla y b a ck
Pla y in g a DVD+RW / +R d isc
Pla y in g a n MP3 CD
MP3 (MPEG1 Audio Layer-3) files are highly compressed music files. Using this technology the data volume can
be compressed by a factor of 10. This means it is possible to record 10 hours of music in CD quality on a single
If the disc is write-protected or a finalised DVD+R disc, playback starts
If playback does not start automatically, select the title you want to
watch from the Index Picture Screen using [†] or […]. You can also use
the [§] or [∞] buttons on the front of the set.
Insert an MP3 CD. Playback starts automatically. If the TV is on, the
MP3 CD screen appears automatically. During playback, the current
track number and its elapsed playing time will show on the TV screen
and on the recorder display. During interrupted playback (STOP), the
current track number will show on the TV screen and on the recorder
display. If available in the so-called ID tag, more information will be
displayed concerning album, track and artist.
Press [PLAY/PAUSE]. The display shows: title number.
To stop the disc, press [STOP].
To eject the disc, press [OPEN/CLOSE] on the front of the DVD recorder.
I se e th e m e ssa g e 'EMPTY' in th e d isp la y
There are no recordings on this disc.
Stop playback using [STOP]. The number of albums will be shown in the
W h a t sh o u ld I n o te w h e n p la y in g b a ck d iffe re n t re co rd in g ty p e s (q u a litie s)
The correct recording quality 'HQ , SP (SP), SP+ (SP+), LP (LP), EP (EP), EP+ (EP+)'
will automatically be selected during playback.
For more information, please read section 'Selecting the recording type
(Quality)' in chapter 'Manual recording'.
Additiona l pla yba ck fea tures
Select the previous or next title with [§] or [∞].
You can also use [T/C] to select titles and albums. Press [T/C] and then
select symbol 'T' for album or 'C' for title with […] or [†]. Select the
number of the album/title with [œ], [√] or with the number buttons
[0..9] on the remote control.
Pla y in g a n a u d io CD
You can also use repeat functions (Button [PLAY MODE]).
Insert an audio CD. Playback starts automatically. If the TV is on, the
audio CD screen appears automatically. During play, the current track
number and its elapsed playing time will show on the TV screen and on
the recorder display.
W h e n cre a tin g MP3 CDs p le a se n o te th e fo llo w in g :
Supported file system: ISO9660, Joliet
Supported formats: *.mp3
File names: maximum 64 ASCII characters (Joliet)
Maximum of 99 albums, 999 tracks
Supported sampling frequencies: 44.1kHz, 48kHz. Files with less than 44.1kHz
will be skipped.
Stop playback using [STOP]. The number of tracks and the total time are
Supported bit rate: 96, 128, 192, 256 (kbps)
ID3 Tag: Version 1, 1.1. If the version is higher, the directory name is used for
the album and the filename for the track.
An MP3 CD may not be played if the making method is different from the
Im p o rta n t n o te s fo r p la y b a ck :
In agreement with SDMI the digital audio output will not work during MP3
Only the first session of a multi-session CD will play back.
2 6
2 7
Pla y b a ck
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s
Pla y in g a (Su p e r) Vid e o CD
Ch a n g in g to a n o th e r title / ch a p te r
(Super) Video CDs may be equipped with PBC (Play Back Control). This means that special playback functions
(menus) can be directly selected. The Video CD must be PBC-compatible (see CD packaging). 'PBC' is turned on
by default.
If there is more than one title or chapter on the disc, follow the instructions to change to another title or
chapter. If there are several chapters within the title, these will be shown. It is possible to select these titles
using the menu bar.
Insert a (Super) Video CD and press [PLAY/PAUSE].
During playback use the [∞] button to move to the next title/chapter.
If the '◆' symbol appears in the display, start playback by pressing
Pressing [§] takes you to the start of the current title or chapter.
Pressing [§] twice takes you to the start of the previous title or
If a menu appears on the screen, use the remote control buttons
indicated on the screen to select the menu option you want ([§], [∞] )
or with the number buttons [0..9]. If the PBC menu contains a title list,
the desired title can be chosen directly.
Using [T/ C] button
Press [T/C] (title/chapter) and select the appropriate title using [œ] or
[√]. Ensure that the 'T'(Title) icon is selected in the menu bar.
The [RETURN] button will take you back to the previous menu.
Stop playback using [STOP].
Using [T/C] you can select chapters within the title. Press [T/C] and
select the 'C' (Chapter) icon using [†]. Select the appropriate chapter
using [œ] or [√].
Im p o rta n t n o te s fo r p la y b a ck :
VCD1.0 and VCD1.1 is not supported.
VCD2.0 playback is supported.
Se a rch in g a d isc
You can search the disc for a recording at 4x or 32x playback speed.
During playback, press and hold [§] (reverse) or [∞] (forwards) to
switch to the search feature. You can switch between the playback
speeds using [§] / [∞] .
To continue playback, press [PLAY/PAUSE] twice at your chosen
N o so u n d
The sound is switched off in search mode. This is not a fault in your machine.
Still p ictu re
During playback, press [PLAY/PAUSE] to stop the disc and display a still
Slo w m o tio n
During playback, press [œ◆] or [◆√] on the remote control to switch to
slow motion.
You can choose between the various speeds using [œ◆] or [◆√] .
To continue playback, press [PLAY/PAUSE] twice.
2 8
2 9
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s
Se a rch b y tim e
Sca n fe a tu re
Using this feature you can select where playback should start (select elapsed time).
This feature plays back the first 10 seconds of each chapter (DVD) or track (CD).
During playback press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The
menu bar will appear at the top of the screen.
During playback, press [PLAY MODE]. Select '
' using [PLAY
Select the '
' symbol using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
After 10 seconds the DVD recorder switches to the next chapter/index.
To start playback at the corresponding chapter/index, press [STOP] and
then [PLAY/PAUSE].
Playback is stopped and a box appears on the screen showing the
elapsed time.
Enter the start time with the digit keys [0..9] from where playback
should start.
Zo o m fe a tu re
The Zoom feature allows you to enlarge the video image and pan through the enlarged image.
Confirm with [OK].
Playback starts immediately before the time entered.
Press [
] and select the required zoom factor using [œ] or [√].
Th e tim e e n te re d w ill fla sh
If the selected title is shorter than the time entered, enter a new time or end
the function using [SYSTEM MENU].
When 'OK to pan' appears on the screen, the zoom process is complete.
Press [OK]. Using [œ √ … †], select the part of the image you wish to
Confirm with [OK].
To stop the feature, press [PLAY/PAUSE] and then [SYSTEM MENU].
Re p e a t/ Sh u ffle p la y
You can mark entire sections or the whole disc for endless playback. Depending on the type of disc (DVD video,
DVD+RW, video CD) you can select a chapter, title or the entire disc.
Select the desired chapter, title or the entire disc and start playback.
During playback, press [PLAY MODE]. By pressing [PLAY MODE] again
you can chose from the following options:
Ca m e ra a n g le
: repeat chapter – DVD only
If a DVD video contains sequences recorded from different camera angles you can change the camera angle for
: repeat title/track
During playback, press [
: repeat entire disc (Video CD, Audio CD only)
Select the required camera angle using […] or [†]. You can also enter
the number directly using the number buttons [0..9].
: Shuffle play
display disappears: no repeat
After a short delay, playback changes to the new camera angle. The
' icon remains displayed until multiple angles are no longer
To switch off the repeat, press [STOP]. You can also press [PLAY MODE]
repeatedly until the icons disappear.
Th e
' ico n is n o t visib le
The selected scene was not recorded from different camera angles. That is why
you cannot select this feature. For more information please read the ‘cover text’
on your DVD video disc.
3 0
3 1
Ad d itio n a l p la y b a ck fe a tu re s
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Ch a n g in g th e a u d io la n g u a g e
Ge n e ra l in fo rm a tio n
Pre-recorded DVD videos often come with multiple audio languages. Playback uses the language you selected
during initial installation. You can change the audio language of the current disc at any time.
Use the 'Manual recording' feature to spontaneously start recording (e.g. to record a TV show already in
You can change the audio language either using the menu of inserted disc ([DISC MENU] button) or pressing
[AUDIO] button on the remote control. The audio language for DVD playback between the two methods may be
In the 'Index Picture screen' select the title to be overwritten or 'Empty title' using […] and [†].
If you want to record between existing recordings, check the length of the old recording and the length of the
new recording. If the new recording is too long, the following recording (title/chapter) will be overwritten.
During playback press [AUDIO].
◆ If you want to start and stop a recording manually, read 'Recording without automatic switch off'.
◆ If you want to start a recording manually but stop it automatically, read 'Recording with automatic switch
Select the required audio language using [œ] or [√]. You can also enter
the number directly using the number buttons [0..9].
off'. (e.g. not to record to the end of the disc)
◆ Read 'Automatic recording from a satellite receiver', if you want a recording to be controlled automatically
Play continues in the new audio language.
by a satellite receiver.
Ava ila b le d iscs fo r re co rd in g
With this DVD recorder, you can record on two types of DVD:
DVD+RW : This disc can be written to and then the contents deleted.
DVD+R : This type of disc can only be recorded once.
If you want to play this DVD in a DVD player it must be finalized using the ‘disc’
function. It is not possible to make further recordings using this disc. If this disc
is to be played in a DVD recorder it must not be finalised. Recordings can be
added and deleted. The disc space (playback time) from the deleted recording
cannot be recovered for further recordings.
Su b title s
Pre-recorded DVD videos often come with subtitles in several languages. Playback uses the language you
selected during initial installation. You can change the subtitle language of the current disc at any time.
You can change the subtitle language either using the menu of the inserted disc ([DISC MENU] button) or
pressing [SUBTITLE] button on the remote control. The subtitle language for DVD playback between the two
methods may be different.
W a rn in g fo r Sa fty Re co rd
If you want to add a title by recording you should select free title in the 'Index
Picture screen' . Otherwise the title selected is overwritten with no warnings.
During playback press [SUBTITLE].
Select the required subtitle language using [œ] or [√]. You can also
enter the number directly using the number buttons [0..9]. You can
switch off subtitles again with [0] or by pressing 'Off'.
3 2
3 3
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Re co rd in g w ith o u t a u to m a tic sw itch o ff
In se rtin g ch a p te r m a rk e rs
During recording it is possible to mark scenes that you want to see or hide
During recording, press [EDIT] at the relevant location. The screen displays
'Inserting marker'. The 'CHAPTER' number is increased by one in the display
box. For more information on titles and chapters please see the section
'Changing to another title/chapter' in the chapter 'Playback'.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Insert a disc to be used for the recording. The system and content of the
disc will be checked. 'READING' will appear on the display.
If necessary, switch to the internal tuner on the DVD recorder using the
[OUTPUT] button on the remote control.
Th e d isp la y w ill re a d ‘ERRO R’.
The recording could not be completed correctly because of a disc error. Check
and, if necessary, clean the inserted disc.
Select the programme number (station name) you wish to record using
[PR +] or [PR –].
Ma k in g re co rd in g s o n DVD+R d iscs co m p a tib le
To start recording, press [REC/OTR] on the remote control or [RECORD]
on the DVD recorder.
If you want to play back the recording on a DVD player, you need to finalise the
disc in the DVD recorder. You can prepare your DVD for use in a DVD player
using the 'Finalising' feature. See the section 'Finalising DVD+R discs' in
chapter 'Managing the disc contents'.
For DVD+R discs each new recording is always added at the end of all
previous recordings as existing recordings cannot be overwritten.
You can stop recording by pressing [STOP]. ‘UPDATE' will appear on the
display. The DVD player is preparing the list of contents. Wait until this
message disappears from the display, then the recording is completed.
In te rru p t re co rd in g (Pa u se )
In d e x d isp la y
During recording, press [PLAY/PAUSE], for example to avoid recording
the commercials.
A DVD+RW disc was inserted that already contains recordings. Use […] and
[†] to select a location where the recording should be started.
‘EMPTY’ a p p e a rs in th e d isp la y
The inserted DVD disc is empty.
To continue recording, press [PLAY/PAUSE] again or [REC/OTR].
En d re co rd in g
A d ia lo g b o x a p p e a rs a sk in g if th e co n te n ts sh o u ld b e e ra se d o r th e d isc
sh o u ld b e e je cte d
The inserted disc is a DVD+RW disc whose contents are not compatible with
DVD Video (e.g. a data disc). This disc cannot be used for recordings until the
entire disc is erased using the [REC/OTR] button.
To end the recording, press the [STOP] button. Wait until 'UPDATE’ disappears
from the display.
'To o m a n y title s' a p p e a rs o n th e scre e n w h e n
re co rd in g is a tte m p te d .
A disc can only contain a max. of 48 titles (including the empty titles). Erase the
titles or change the disc.
Re co rd in g w ith a u to m a tic sw itch o ff (O TR O n e To u ch Re co rd in g )
Sta tio n n a m e
Insert a disc.
If a TV station transmits a station name it will be shown in the display.
Programme number of the external inputs:
Use [PR +] or [PR –] to select the programme number (channel name) you
want to record.
Scart socket at the back ‘EURO AV1’
Scart socket at the back ‘EURO AV2’
SVHS-/Audio front sockets ‘S-VIDEO / left AUDIO right’
Video/audio front sockets ‘A/V VIDEO / left AUDIO right’
Digital Video (i Link) front socket DV
Press [REC/OTR] on the remote control.
Each time you press [REC/OTR] you will add 30 minutes to the recording
DQ R-1 1 0 0 D O n ly
Ho w ca n I ca n ce l th e re co rd in g tim e I h a ve ju st se t?
To cancel the entry, press the [CLEAR] button while the recording time is
3 4
3 5
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Pro te ctin g th e d isc a g a in st a ccid e n ta l re co rd in g
Lin in g u p re co rd in g s w ith in a title (a sse m b le cu t)
To prevent an important recording from being accidentally erased, you can protect the entire disc. You can only
protect the disc as a whole. It is not possible to protect an individual recording.
You can add further recordings to a title already contained on a DVD+RW disc. This recording will be added to
the title as a so-called 'chapter'. Existing information will be overwritten from this location onward. Depending
on the length of the recording, this will also overwrite titles that follow the current title. The recording mode
(quality) is automatically transferred from the current title.
Insert the disc you wish to protect.
To play back this recording, press [SYSTEM MENU] and select 'C' (chapter) using [√]. You can also use [T/C].
Press [DISC MENU]. The Index Picture Screen appears.
For more information, read section 'Changing to a different title/chapter' in chapter 'Playback'.
While the Index Picture Screen is displayed, press the [STOP] button on
the remote control. The first title is marked.
Find the title in the Index Picture Screen where you want to insert the
new recording.
Press […]. This takes you to the disc info screen.
Press the [√] button. Select 'Protection'. Confirm with [√].
Select 'Protected' using [†] and confirm with [OK].
Quit using [œ] and then [DISC MENU].
Look at the last minute of the old recording (playback).
Setting for DAEWOO DVD+RW
Press [PLAY/PAUSE] on the remote control at the position where the
new recording is to go.
DIsc name
Erase disc
To monitor the recording you can switch to the internal tuner using
The entire disc is now protected. If you try to record onto this disc the
message 'LOCK' will appear in the display and 'Disc locked' on the
Now start recording as usual by pressing [REC/OTR] on the remote
control. The new recording will be inserted.
W h a t h a p p e n s w ith DVD+R d iscs?
As long as these discs are not finalised, they can be protected against
accidental erasure in the same way as DVD+RW discs.
Stop recording with [STOP].
W h a t h a p p e n s w ith DVD+R d iscs?
New recordings on 'DVD+R' discs can only be added after existing recordings. It
is not possible to overwrite existing recordings on 'DVD+R' discs.
3 6
3 7
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Ma n u a l re co rd in g
Se le ctin g th e re co rd in g m o d e (q u a lity )
Au to m a tic re co rd in g fro m a sa te llite re ce ive r (Sa t Re co rd in g )
By selecting a recording mode, you define the picture quality of recordings and the maximum recording time for
a disc. You can check the quality by switching to a recording mode and then watch the picture via the built-in
tuner ([OUTPUT] button).
You can use this feature if you own a satellite receiver that can control other devices via a scart cable and a
programming feature (Timer). For more information, please see the operating instructions for the satellite
For playback, the correct picture quality will automatically be selected.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Record settings
Record mode
Sat record
Auto chapters
Filter mode
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select '
' using […] or [†].
On the front of the DVD recorder select the recording quality using [REC
MODE]. You can also use the button [REC MODE] on the remote control.
To store
Press OK
Select line 'Record settings' using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Select 'Sat record' using […] or [†] .
Select 'Ext2' with [œ] or [√].
W h ich re co rd in g ty p e s ca n I ch o o se ?
HQ : High Quality offers the best picture quality and a recording time of 60
SP : Standard Play (pre-recorded DVD quality) offers excellent picture quality
with a recording time of 120 minutes.
SP+ : Standard Play (better than S-VHS quality) offers excellent picture quality
with a recording time of 150 minutes.
LP : Long Play (S-VHS quality). Recording time 180 minutes.
EP : Extended Play (better than VHS quality). Recording time 240 minutes.
EP+ : Extended Play (VHS picture quality). Recording time 360 minutes.
Confirm with [OK].
Use a scart cable to connect the scart socket EURO AV2 on the DVD
recorder to the corresponding scart socket on the satellite receiver.
Quit using [SYSTEM MENU].
1 0 Insert a disc that you want to use for recording.
Ca n I se le ct th e re co rd in g ty p e via
m e n u a s w e ll?
Press the [SYSTEM MENU] button.
Select the ' ' icon using [… ] or [†].
Select 'Record settings’ using [… ] or [†] and confirm with [√].
In the line 'Record mode' select the recording type with [… ] or [ †].
Confirm using [OK] and [SYSTEM MENU].
If you have selected the recording type ' LP', ' EP' or' EP+', you can select
the settings 'Stndrd' (Standard) or 'Sport’ (fast movements) in the 'Filter
mode' line.
1 1 Programme the satellite receiver with the required information
(programme number of the TV channel, start time, end time). If
necessary, please see the operating instructions for your satellite
1 2 Switch off the DVD recorder with [STANDBY].
The DVD recorder is now ready to record. The beginning and end of the
recording is controlled via the scart socket EURO AV2.
Tim e d iffe re n ce
The remainig time in the disc may differ from the actually recorded time.
Sw itch in g o ff 'Sa t Re co rd in g '
To switch off the feature, select 'Off’ using [œ ] or [√].
3 8
3 9
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ge n e ra l In fo rm a tio n
Ed itin g re co rd in g title s (n a m e )
When a recording is made to disc, the following additional information is also stored at the beginning of the
Some TV stations transmit the title (name) of a programme. In this case, the name will be included
automatically (e.g. 'ROCKY'). Otherwise, the channel number and time of the recording are stored as the name.
The name of the recording can only be changed after the recording has been completed.
Name of the recording
If the TV station does not transmit a name, only the channel number and time will be stored as the name
Press the [STOP] button or during playback press [DISC MENU].
Length of the recording
Record type (Quality)
Using […] or [†] select the title whose name you want to edit and
confirm with [√]. The menu for editing names appears.
Setting for title P01 08:48
œP01ab*CW46 √
Date of the recording
Play full title
Select 'Name' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Index picture of the recording
Erase this title
Using [œ] or [√] select the position where the letter/number/icon is to
be changed/re-entered.
A marker will be set every 5-6 minutes if the 'Auto chapters' function is activated in the 'Record settings' menu.
This marker is known as a 'chapter'. These markers can be changed when the recording has finished.
It is also possible to add 'chapters' later. This means that scenes you do not want to see during playback, such
as commercials, can be hidden or skipped. During playback you can watch your recording as a continuous
sequence without the hidden chapters.
Change the icon using […] or [†]. You can switch between upper and
lowercase using [SELECT]. You can delete the character using [CLEAR].
Repeat 4 and 5 until you have made the changes you want.
◆ Read section 'Disc settings', to change general settings of the disc.
◆ Read 'Editing recording titles (name)' to find out how to change a name.
Save the new name with [OK].' Storing name' appears on the TV screen
for confirmation.
◆ Read 'Playing back titles' to find out how to play back the entire recording including the hidden chapters
◆ Read 'Erasing a recording/title' to find how to erase titles and the accompanying recording.
◆ Read 'Edit Menu' to find out how to split the title into chapters and how to manage the chapters.
To end, press [œ].
Ca n m a rk e rs b e se t o n
DVD+R d isc?
Markers can be set on these discs if they have not been finalised.
Pla y in g b a ck title s
If you have hidden certain chapters of a title, with this setting you can view the entire title including the hidden
chapters. Proceed as follows:
Press the [STOP] button or during playback press [DISC MENU].
Setting for title P01 08:48
Using […] or [†] select the title that you want to play back and confirm
with [√]. The menu for editing titles appears.
Press OK
Play full title
Erase this title
Select 'Play full title' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Playback begins automatically. The full title - including the hidden
chapters - is played back.
4 0
4 1
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Era sin g a re co rd in g / title
Disc se ttin g s
You can erase individual recordings from a disc. Follow the instructions below:
This screen appears before the first title and contains general information about the current disc.
You can: • change the name of the disc
• activate or deactivate write protection on the disc
• Finish editing (make edits DVD compatible)
• Finalising DVD+Rs
Press the [STOP] button or during playback press [DISC MENU].
Setting for title P01 08:48
Using […] or [†] select the title to be erased and confirm with [√]. The
menu for editing titles appears.
Play full title
Erase this title Press OK
Using […] or [†] select 'Erase this title' and confirm with [OK]. The
screen will show 'This will completely erase this title'. 'Press OK to
• Erasing DVD+RWs
Follow the instructions to get to this screen:
Press the [STOP] button or during playback press [DISC MENU].
Select the first title using […] or press [STOP].
If you want to erase the title press [OK]. To end, press [œ].
The screen will show 'Erasing title'.
Press the […] button. The Disc Info screen will appear.
'Empty title' will now appear in this position in the Index Picture Screen.
A new recording can now be made at this position. If the deleted title
was very short (shorter than 1 minute), no 'Empty title' will be displayed.
Cha nging the disc na m e
In the Disc Info screen press [√]. The 'Settings for' menu appears on
the TV screen.
Setting for DAEWOO DVD+RW
Ca n title s b e d e le te d fro m
DVD+R d isc?
Disc name
Titles on DVD+R discs are only marked as deleted. 'Deleted title' will appear in
the display instead of 'Empty title'. During playback the 'deleted' title is
skipped. The space used for this title cannot be used again as the title has not
been physically deleted. Once the disc has been finalised no further changes
can be made.
Select 'Disc name' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Erase disc
Using [œ] or [√] select the position where the letter/number/icon is to
be changed/re-entered.
Change the icon using […] or [†]. You can switch between upper and
lowercase using [SELECT]. You can delete the character using [CLEAR].
Repeat 3 and 4 until you have made the changes you want.
Save the new title with [OK]. 'Storing name' appears on the TV screen
for confirmation.
To end, press [œ].
Fina lising a disc
Even if one or more titles have been edited, a DVD player may still show the
original title. You can prepare your disc so that a DVD player will be able to
read the edited title.
In the Disc Info screen press [√]. The 'Settings for' menu appears on
the TV screen.
Select 'Make edits compatible' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
The screen displays 'This will take ...' to show how long the process will
To confirm press [OK]. The screen will show ‘Working...'. A bar will
move from left to right indicating the progress of the conversion.
‘Ma k e e d its co m p a tib le ' d o e s n o t a p p e a r
Your disc is already compatible. No conversion is necessary. To end, press
4 2
4 3
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Ed it Me n u
In this menu, you can adjust a title to your personal preferences. You can insert/delete chapter markers, hide
chapters, select a new index screen, or split the title. Display this menu during playback using [EDIT] on the
remote control.
Fina lising DVD+R discs
This feature is required to play back a DVD+R disc in a DVD player. Once the
disc has been finalised no further recordings or changes can be made.
Inserting cha pter m a rk ers
During playback you can set and erase chapter markers within a title.
In the Disc Info screen press [√]. The 'Settings for' menu appears on
the TV screen.
Setting for DAEWOO DVD+RW
DIsc name
Erase disc
Finalise disc
The maximum number of chapters per disc is 124 and 99 per title. If one of
these numbers are reached, the following message appears: 'Too many
chapters'. Some markers must be erased before new markers can be added.
Select 'Finalise disc' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Press OK
The screen displays 'This will take ...' to show how long the process will
During playback press [EDIT] on the remote control at the appropriate
position. The 'Edit Menu' menu will appear on the screen.
To confirm press [OK]. The screen will show ‘Working...'. A bar will
move from left to right indicating the progress of the conversion.
Insert chapter
Press OK
Current chapter
Confirm 'Insert chapter' using [OK]. The screen displays 'Inserting
chapter marker'.
Delete chapter marker
'Fin a lise d isc' d o e s n o t a p p e a r
Either there is no DVD+R disc inserted or the disc is already finalised. To end,
press [SYSTEM MENU].
Press EDIT to exit
To exit the feature, press [EDIT].
'Se ttin g s fo r' d o e s n o t a p p e a r
'X' w ill a p p e a r o n th e scre e n :
If the disc has been recorded on another DVD recorder, the menu may not
appear. In this case, use the 'Finalise disc' feature in the '
' menu, under
This DVD is write-protected or the disc is a finalised DVD-R. Subsequent
changes cannot be made.
Hiding cha pters
Era sing DVD+RW discs
By default all chapters are visible. Chapters (such as commercials) can be
hidden during playback or made visible again. In editing mode, hidden
chapters are shown greyed out.
In the Disc Info screen press [√]. The 'Settings for' menu appears on
the TV screen.
Setting for DAEWOO DVD+RW
DIsc name
Erase disc
Press OK
Select 'Erase disc' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√]. The screen
will show 'This will erase all titles. Press OK to confirm'.
During playback press [EDIT] on the remote control at the appropriate
position. The 'Edit Menu' menu will appear on the screen.
If you want to erase all titles press [OK]. Otherwise press [œ] to end.
Confirm 'Current chapter' using [†].
The screen will show 'Erasing disc'.
Using [√] select 'Hidden'. The picture is shown darker.
To end, press [EDIT].
Insert chapter
Press OK
√ Hidden
Current chapter
Delete chapter marker
Once the disc has been successfully erased the Index Picture Screen
will show the empty area of the disc.
During playback this chapter will be skipped.
If the chapter is not visible, select 'Visible' in step 3 with [√].
Ho w d o I se le ct o th e r ch a p te rs?
Press EDIT to exit
Press [T/C ] on the remote control. The title and chapters are shown at the
top of the screen.
Using […] or [†] select Title (T) or Chapter (C).
Using [œ] or [√] select the title or chapter you wish to edit.
Sw itch in g q u ick ly
You can switch between show chapters ('Visible’) and hide chapters ('Hidden’)
quickly and easily using [SELECT].
4 4
4 5
Ma n a g in g th e d isc co n te n ts
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)
Ge n e ra l in fo rm a tio n
Use programmed recording (TIMER) to automatically start and stop a recording at a later date.
The DVD recorder will switch to the right program number and begin recording at the correct time.
With this DVD recorder, you can pre-program up to 6 recordings within a period of one month.
To make a programmed recording, your DVD recorder needs to know:
* the date you want to make the recording
Era sing cha pter m a rk ers
You can erase all or some of the markers within a title .
During playback of the appropriate chapter press [EDIT] on the remote
control. The 'Edit Menu' menu will appear on the screen.
Using [†] select 'Delete chapter marker' for this chapter or 'Delete all
markers' for all chapters within the selected title.
* the program number of the TV channel
* the start and stop time of the recording
Confirm with [OK].
* VPS or PDC on or off
* the recording mode ('HQ/SP/SP+/LP/EP/EP+').
To end, press [EDIT].
This information is saved in a TIMER block.
Ho w d o I se le ct o th e r ch a p te rs?
Press [T/C ] on the remote control. The title and chapters are shown at the
top of the screen.
W h a t is 'VPS/ PDC'?
'VPS' (Video Programming System)/ 'PDC'(Programme Delivery Control) are used
to control the start and duration of TV channel recordings. If a TV programme
starts earlier or ends later, the DVD recorder will still switch itself on and off at
the correct times.
Using […] or [†] select Title (T) or Chapter (C).
Using [œ] or [√] select the title or chapter you wish to edit.
W h a t d o I n e e d to k n o w a b o u t 'VPS/ PDC'?
You must enter the start time exactly to the minute .
If you want to programme a time that is different from the VPS or PDC time, you
must switch off VPS or PDC.
Only one TV programme on a TV channel can be controlled using 'VPS/PDC' at a
time. If you want to record two or more TV programmes on a TV channel using
'VPS/PDC', you will need to programme these as two separate recordings.
4 6
4 7
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (w ith th e Sh o w Vie w Sy ste m )
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (w ith o u t th e Sh o w Vie w Sy ste m )
Thanks to this programming system, you no longer need to tediously enter the date, programme number, start
and end time. All the information needed by the DVD recorder for programming is contained in the ShowView
programming number. This ShowView number is found in most TV listings.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Press [TIMER] on the remote control. The programming method last
selected is marked.
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
ShowView system
◆√Timer programming
Select ‘Timer Programming' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√]. The
current information will appear on the screen.
Timer List
Press [TIMER] on the remote control. The programming method last
selected is marked.
To store
Select the input field with [œ] or [√].
◆√ShowView system
Press OK
Timer programming
Timer List
Select ‘ShowView system' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Enter information with […] or [†] or with the number buttons [0..9].
Enter the entire ShowView number. This number is up to 9 digits long
and can be found next to the start time of the TV programme in your TV
listings magazine.
Timer Programming
To store
Press OK
If all the information is correct, press [OK]. The programming
information is stored in a TIMER block.
Date Prog. Start PDC End Mode
01 EXT1 22:26
00:26 SP
e.g.: 5-234-89 or 5 234 89
Enter 523489 for the ShowView number.
To end, press [TIMER].
ShowView system
Mo• Fr/Weekly
To store
Press OK
Load a DVD (unprotected) ready for recording.
The current disc is checked.
ShowView number
- - - - - - - - -
If you make a mistake, you can clear it with [CLEAR].
Confirm with [OK].
Mo• Fr/Weekly
To store
Press OK
Switch off with [STANDBY].
The decoded information appears after confirmation. You can go back at
any time to change the information. Select the appropriate input field
using [œ] or [√]. If required, change the information using […], [†] or
the number buttons [0..9].
The programmed recording will only function properly if the DVD
recorder has been switched off using the [STANDBY] button.
If any of the TIMER blocks are in use, ' ' will light up on the display.
If all the information is correct, press the [OK] button. The programming
information is stored in a TIMER block.
Se le ctin g d a ily / w e e k ly re co rd in g s
In 'Date' use [SELECT] to select from the following options:
'Mo-Fr' : Repeated daily recordings from Monday to Friday
'Mo' : Repeated weekly recordings (every week on the same day, e.g. Monday).
To end, press [TIMER].
Load a DVD (unprotected) ready for recording.
The current disc is checked.
Pro g ra m m e n u m b e rs o f sca rt so ck e ts 'EXT1 ’ a n d 'EXT2 '
You can also programme recordings from external sources via scart socket
1 0 Switch off with [STANDBY].
Sw itch in g o n 'VPS/ PDC' in th e 'Sta rt' in p u t fie ld
The programmed recording will only function properly if the DVD
recorder has been switched off using the [STANDBY] button.
Select the 'Start’ input field using [TIMER]. Using [SELECT] switch on 'VPS/PDC’
(lights up). If you press [SELECT] again, you will switch 'VPS/PDC' off
If any of the TIMER blocks are in use, ' ' will light up on the display.
Ch a n g in g th e re co rd in g q u a lity in th e 'En d ' in p u t fie ld
Select the 'End’ input field using [TIMER].
Using [SELECT] , select the recording mode, ‘HQ, SP , LP , EP , EP+'.
4 8
4 9
Pro g ra m m in g a re co rd in g (TIMER)
Use r p re fe re n ce s
Use r p re fe re n ce s
In this section you will learn how to set your user preferences on the DVD recorder. The symbols have the
following meanings:
Ho w to ch e ck , ch a n g e o r d e le te a p ro g ra m m e d re co rd in g (TIMER)
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Press [TIMER] on the remote control. The programming method last
selected is marked.
ShowView system
Timer programming
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Select ‘Timer List' using […] or [†] and confirm with [√]. The current
information will appear on the screen.
◆√Timer List
To store
Press OK
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select the programmed recording (TIMER) you want to check, change or
delete with […] or [†].
Select the '
' icon using […] or [†] and confirm with [√]
Press [√].
Select the appropriate feature using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Timer List
Select the input field with [œ] or [√].
Date Prog. Start PDC End Mode
01 EXT1 22:26
- - ----- --:--
Select the corresponding line using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
00:26 SP
--:-- ---
If required, change the information with […], [†] or the number buttons
[0..9] .
Select the appropriate feature using […] or [†] or the setting using [œ]
Total record time :02:00
To change
Press >
To exit
or [√].
Confirm with [OK].
Confirm the setting with [OK].
To end, press [TIMER].
Switch off with [STANDBY].
Quit the menu item using [œ].
De le te p ro g ra m m e d re co rd in g
Pictu re se ttin g s
Press the [CLEAR] button.
Confirm with [OK]. 'Cleared' will briefly appear on the TV screen.
'-- ---' appears rather than the displayed values.
To end, press [TIMER].
You can choose the following features in this menu:
TV sha pe
√4:3 letterbox
TV Shape
The picture signal from your DVD Recorder can be set to match your TV
Black level shift
Video shift
SCART video
4:3 letterbox : for a 'wide-screen' picture with black bars at the top and
4:3 panscan : for a full-height picture with the sides trimmed
N e x TVie w Lin k
: for a wide-screen TV set (screen edge ratio 16:9)
This DVD recorder is equipped with the 'NexTView Link' function. If your television is also equipped with this
feature, you can mark TV programmes on the television for programming.
Bla ck level shift
These TV programmes will automatically be transmitted to a TIMER block on the DVD recorder. If you clear this
marking on the television, the corresponding TIMER block on the DVD recorder will also be cleared.
Adapts the colour dynamics for NTSC playback
Video shift
For more information, read the instruction manual for your TV set.
Use this feature to adjust the position of the picture on your TV left or right
using [œ], [√] to suit your TV set.
SCART video
By default the recorder is set to 'RGB'. Select 'S-Video' if you want to
connect an S-VHS recorder.
5 0
5 1
Use r p re fe re n ce s
Use r p re fe re n ce s
So u n d se ttin g s
La n g u a g e se ttin g s
Depending on which audio outputs are used, you can select the settings in
this menu.
You can choose the following settings in this menu:
Playback audio √English
Audio La ngua ge
If you only use the analogue audio output ( AUDIO L/R ), select the settings
‘Off' in the 'Digital output' menu.
Digital output √All
Playback audio language
Analogue output
Night mode
United Kingdom
Digita l output
Subtitle language
For devices connected to the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT socket, you can select
from the following settings.
All :
Dolby Digital and DTS signals are fed unaltered to the digital
output. MPEG-2 multi-channel signals are converted to PCM
(Pulse Code Modulation). For receivers/amplifiers with digital
multi channel sound decoders.
Screen menu language
PCM only : Dolby Digital and MPEG-2 multi-channel signals are converted
to PCM (Pulse Code Modulation). For receivers/amplifiers
without digital multi channel sound decoders.
Ad d itio n a l se ttin g s
Off :
Digital output switched off. For devices with analogue audio
You can select the following functions in this menu:
Access control
Access control √Enter code..
Ana logue output
Please read the next chapter 'Access control'.
For devices connected to the analogue audio output (AUDIO L/R), you can
select from the following settings.
Status box
Auto resume
Sta tus box
Low power standby Off
Stereo :
For devices without Dolby Surround or Tru Surround. Use this
setting if the DVD recorder is only connected to a stereo TV set.
Along with the on screen menu, the OSD (On Screen Display) also displays
information on the current operating status (counter, playback, recording, TV
channel, etc.) on the TV screen. You can switch off the information about the
operating status so that the on screen display (OSD) is not recorded during
Surround : Dolby Digital and MPEG-2 multi-channel are mixed down to a
DOLBY surround-compatible two-channel output signal. For
devices with Dolby Surround Pro Logic decoder.
On: The OSD information appears in every selected mode for a few
seconds and disappears again.
Night m ode
Night mode optimises the sound for playback at low volume. You are
therefore less likely to disturb your neighbours. This only works for Dolby
Digital audio on DVD video discs.
Off : The OSD information is switched off. It is no longer displayed on the
Auto resum e
If playback of a pre-recorded DVD video disc or video CD is interrupted
(button [STOP] or [OPEN/CLOSE] ) when the disc is reloaded (disc is started)
playback starts at the precise location where it stopped. This applies not
only to the current disc but to the last 20 discs played.
This feature can be switched off if not required.
Low pow er sta ndby
To save power, you can switch off the clock display on the DVD recorder.
Programmed (TIMER) recordings will still take place.
On : If the DVD-Recorder is switched off (button [STANDBY]), the clock
display is also switched off.
Off : If the DVD-Recorder is switched off (button [STANDBY]), the clock
display is visible.
5 2
5 3
Use r p re fe re n ce s
Acce ss co n tro l
Acce ss co n tro l
Pa re n ta l le ve l co n tro l (DVD vid e o o n ly )
Films on pre-recorded DVD discs may contain scenes not suitable for children. Therefore, some discs may
contain 'Parental Control' rating information that applies to the entire disc or to certain scenes on the disc.
This line appears only if a VCD is loaded. This function lets you activate or
deactivate the PBC menu (Playback Control) for video CDs. See 'Playing a
(Super) Video CD'.
The appropriate scenes have filter values that reach from 1-8. If such a scene is detected during playback, the
filter value set on the DVD recorder is compared to the scene. If the filter value is higher than the setting, an
alternative scene will be played (if available).
Activa ting/ dea ctiva ting pa renta l level control
Double-sided DVDs may have a different ID for each side. For these discs,
each side must be authorised. Multi-volume video CDs may have a different
ID for each volume. For these CDs, each volume must be authorised.
Re co rd se ttin g s
You can go directly to the “Record settings” menu.
Record settings
Record mode
Sat record
Auto chapters
Filter mode
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
To store
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Press OK
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select the '
' icon using […] or [†].
Select ‘Features’ using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
In sta lla tio n se ttin g s
Confirm 'Access control ' using [√].
You can go directly to the “Installation” menu.
Enter a 4-digit code of your choice. Enter the same code again as
◆√Autom. search
Manual search
Sort TV channels
Select ‘Parental Level’ using […] or [†] and confirm with [√]. A bar
appears to select the parental level.
To exit press
Select the appropriate rating using […] or [†] or the number buttons
1 0 Confirm with [OK].
1 1 Quit the feature using [œ] and [SYSTEM MENU].
W h a t d o th e ra tin g s m e a n ?
Rating 0 (displayed as '--') parental control not active.
Rating 1 (suitable for children)
Rating 8 (only suitable for adults)
W h a t h a p p e n s if a DVD sce n e co n ta in s a h ig h e r le ve l th a n th e ra tin g se t?
If the recorder does not find a suitable alternative, playback will stop and you
must enter the four-digit code.
Th e in itia l p a ssw o rd is “ 3 3 0 8 ” .
In case you forget newly input password, you can use “3308” as a password.
5 4
5 5
Acce ss co n tro l
Acce ss co n tro l
Ch a n g in g th e PIN co d e
Cha nging the country
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
The set filter values depend on the respective country. It is therefore
necessary to enter the country to which these filter values apply.
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Switch on the TV set. If required, select the programme number for the
DVD recorder.
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Select the '
' icon using […] or [†].
Switch on the DVD recorder using [STANDBY].
Select ‘Features’ using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Press [SYSTEM MENU] on the remote control. The menu bar appears.
Confirm 'Access control ' using [√].
Select the '
' icon using […] or [†].
Enter a 4-digit code of your choice. Enter the same code again as
Select ‘Features’ using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
Confirm 'Access control ' using [√].
Select ‘Change code’ using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
Enter a 4-digit code of your choice. Enter the same code again as
Enter the new code using the number buttons [0..9]. Enter the same
code again as confirmation.
Select ‘Change country’ using […] or [†] and confirm with [√].
1 0 Quit the feature using [œ] and [SYSTEM MENU].
Select the corresponding country using […] or [†].
I h a ve fo rg o tte n m y co d e
1 0 Confirm with [OK].
Press [STOP] four times, then press [OK]. Access control is now switched off.
You can now enter a new code as described above.
1 1 Quit the feature using [œ] and [SYSTEM MENU].
5 6
5 7
Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
If you have any problems using this DVD recorder, the reason may be one of the following. You can also call the
customer service centre in your country.
No playback on DVD recorder:
◆ There is no recording on the disc: Change disc.
◆ You inserted the wrong disc type: Your recorder can play back the
following disc types: DVD Video, (Super)Video CD, DVD+R(W),
Audio CD, MP3 CDs.
The telephone numbers can be found on the back of this instruction manual. Have the model number (MODEL
NO) and the production number (PROD.NO) of your recorder ready.
The serial number (PROD. NO.) is printed on the type plate at the back.
◆ You inserted the disc the wrong way: Insert the disc with the label
facing upwards.
◆ Disc is dirty: Clean the disc.
◆ Wrong region code: The region code of the DVD and the DVD
recorder must match.
◆ Parental control is on: Read chapter 'Access control'.
◆ You have selected the wrong programme number for the DVD
recorder on the TV: on the TV, select the correct programme number
for the DVD recorder.
◆ The cable connecting the TV set and the DVD recorder has come
loose: check the cable.
Your recorder does not
respond to any button being
pressed and the display shows
'ON TV':
◆ Recorder in initial installation mode: Switch on the TV, switch over
to the DVD recorder socket.
Now the menu for language selection should appear. Please read
paragraph 'Initial Installation' in the chapter 'Installing your DVD
Your DVD recorder does not
respond to any button being
◆ Check that the unit is properly connected to a mains voltage which
is working.
◆ A programmed recording (Timer) is currently being made: If desired,
cancel the programmed recording (Timer) with [STANDBY].
◆ There is a technical problem: disconnect from the mains power
supply for 30 seconds, then connect again. If this doesn't help, you
can reset your DVD recorder to the default factory settings.
I cannot playback (Super)
Video CDs.
◆ It is possible that this (Super) Video CD contains a menu and the
'PBC' is switched off. You can see this in status field 'PBC OFF '. To
activate this function, proceed as follows:
1Press [SYSTEM MENU] while the (Super) Video-CD is inserted.
2Select '
' using […] or [†].
Resetting the machine to the
default factory settings
◆ Important: All the information stored (TV channels, time and date,
TIMER) will be lost.
1Disconnect from the mains power supply.
3Select line 'Features' using [œ] or [√] and confirm with [†].
4Select 'On’ in line 'PBC' using […] or [†] .
5Confirm with [OK] and end with [SYSTEM MENU].
2Press and hold down the [STANDBY] button on the device and
reconnect to the mains power supply.
Poor playback on DVD
recorder (distorted picture/
distorted sound)
◆ Your TV set is not properly adjusted.
◆ Disc is dirty: Clean the disc.
◆ Sometimes the picture may be temporarily distorted. This is not a
defect of your DVD recorder.
3Release the [STANDBY] button when ‘ON TV' appears on the
display. All the information stored (TV channels, time and date,
TIMER) will be lost. Please read paragraph 'Initial Installation' in the
chapter 'Installing your DVD Recorder'.
No recording possible.
◆ The TV channel you want to record is not stored or you selected the
wrong programme number: Check TV channels stored.
Remote control does not work:
◆ Remote control not pointed toward the DVD recorder: Point the
remote control at the machine.
◆ Disc write-protected (recording protected): Remove write-protection
or change the disc. For more information, please see 'Preventing
accidental erasing of discs' in chapter 'Manual Recording'.
◆ An already finalised DVD+R has been inserted: Change disc.
◆ There is a technical problem: Take out the batteries, wait for 10
seconds and put them in again.
◆ Batteries are flat: Change the batteries.
Programmed recording does
not work:
◆ You have programmed the wrong time or date: Check time/date.
◆ You have not set the TIMER properly: Check the programmed
recordings (TIMER block).
◆ Locked disc inserted: Remove disc lock.
◆ An already finalised DVD+R has been inserted: Change disc.
◆ 'VPS/PDC' switched on but 'VPS/PDC time' wrong: 'Enter 'VPS/PDC
time exactly to the minute. Check the aerial.
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Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
The wrong TV channel was
decoded (entered) after you
programmed a recording using
ShowView System.
◆ 1Enter the ShowView programming number of the TV channel you
2Confirm with [OK] .
3Check the programme number/channel name in the “Prog'' input
4If this does not correspond to the TV channel you want, select the
input field and change the programme number/channel name.
5Confirm with [OK].
A DVD+RW disc cannot be
played on certain DVD players.
◆ If a recording is too short, it is possible that a DVD player cannot
detect it: Please observe the following 'Minimum recording times':
Recording mode : ‘HQ’ : 5 minutes, ‘SP’ : 10 minutes, ‘SP+’ : 13
minutes, ‘LP’ : 15 minutes, ‘EP’ : 20 minutes, ‘EP+’ : 30 minutes
◆ Some DVD players cannot play back DVD+RW recordings. You can
solve this problem by using a special function:
1Open the disc tray with [OPEN/CLOSE]. Insert the disc but do not
close the tray.
2Hold down the number button [2] on the remote control until the
tray closes. The disc is modified.
3If this fails to produce the desired result, repeat the procedure using
the number button [3] on the remote control.
4You can restore the disc to its original condition by pressing [1].
Warning!) There is a risk that you can no longer play the disc on
other DVD players after this procedure. Therefore, apply this
function with particular care.
There is picture or sound
interference on TV reception:
◆ Switch to recording mode 'HQ' with REC MODE during playback
from the internal TV tuner ( [OUTPUT] button). This will help achieve
the best possible picture quality. Before recording, select the
recording mode as described in chapter 'Manual Recording', section
'Selecting the recording mode (quality)'.
◆ Have your aerial checked.
Distorted sound coming from a
connected hi fi amplifier.
◆ The DVD recorder is connected to the 'Phono-input' of your
amplifier: This socket is provided only for record players without a
preamplifier. Select a different audio input.
Other disc errors.
◆ If it is impossible to play back a disc, you can try and repair it for
new recordings using the following function. This will only prepare
the disc for erasing. It will not be erased, however, until the
recording has been completed.
1 Clean the disc.
2 Open the disc tray with [OPEN/CLOSE]. Insert the disc but do not
close the tray.
The picture is distorted or
black and white during
◆ The TV system of the disc does not match that of your TV set
◆ The recording can be made in colour only when the TV channels or
the connected additional device send a colour signal. Black-and-
white signals containing no colour information (colour subcarriers)
cannot be recorded.
3 Hold down [CLEAR] on the remote control until the tray closes. The
disc is prepared for erasing.
4 Start recording as with an empty disc.
No sound signal at the digital
◆ Check whether the sound settings match the selected inputs and
connected additional devices.
◆ Check whether you have inserted an MP3 CD: In accordance with
SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative), the digital audio output is
turned off during MP3 playback. This is not a defect of your DVD
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Be fo re y o u ca ll a n e n g in e e r
Te ch n ica l d a ta
Te ch n ica l d a ta
AC 230V~ 50Hz
DVD recorder is not
◆ While a programmed recording is being made, you cannot operate
your recorder manually. If you want to cancel the programmed
recording, press [STANDBY].
Power consumption
Power consumption (standby)
Measurements in cm (W/H/D)
Weight without packaging approx
Power outage/no power
less than 5W (clock display off)
43.5/8.8/32.6 (Disc tray closed), 46.1 (disc tray open)
4.0 kg
‘Switch off,timer recording'
flashes on the TV screen.
◆ The DVD recorder was switched on several minutes before the start
of a programmed recording. Switch off the DVD recorder with
[STANDBY]. A programmed recording (timer) will only function if the
DVD recorder is switched off (button [STANDBY] ).
Channel and timer information remain saved for up to 1 year, the
time is saved for up to 12 hours.
Error message : 'Insert
recordable disc'.
◆ Either no disc has been inserted or you cannot record to this disc.
Insert a disc that you can record onto. Switch off the DVD recorder
using [STANDBY].
Operating position
Ambient temperature
maximum 10 degree inclination in all directions
15°C - 35°C
25% - 75%
The error message 'Disc
locked' appears briefly on the
◆ A write-protected disc has been inserted. Cancel the protection (see
'Preventing accidental erasing of discs' in 'Manual Recording') or
insert a different disc.
Error message: 'Memory full'.
◆ If this error message appears after pressing [TIMER], then all the
TIMER blocks are already programmed. No more recordings can be
programmed. Press the [√] button. If you want to clear or check a
programmed recording (TIMER block), select it with […] or [†].
The 'Data error' message
appears on the screen.
◆ The data for the recording could not be transferred. Please check
the date, start time and end time of the programmed recording.
'Collision' appears on the
◆ The information for two programmed recordings overlap.
◆ If you ignore this error message the TV programme with the earlier
start time will be recorded first. You will miss the start of the
second programme.
◆ Change the information for one of the recordings.
◆ Delete one of the recordings.
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